Technology Help and Training
Learners Preparing for the Challenges of Tomorrow

​Teaching Computer Science curriculum can be a daunting task for teachers who do not necesarily put themselves at the forefront of technology. However, there are a variety of resources that will allow even the most "techno-resistant" teacher to implement some aspect of computers into their curriculum. This site will feature a variety of samples and resources that can help you take your first steps, or provide you with ideas to add to an already bustling technology classroom.

On this site you will also find resources for the two standard Robotics programs currently running in the district: Lego Mindstorms based out of Kelly Creek led by Bill Rounis, and Sphero a new program being looked at with a group of teachers from across the district  led by Matthew Hull. Each program will have a page with resources and a discussion forum for the development of resources and expertise throughout the district.

 If you have any questions, or would like some help setting up some computer time in your classroom please do not hestitate to contact me to spend some with you.

Matthew Hull