Technology Help and Training
Learners Preparing for the Challenges of Tomorrow
Enroll Student in Student Services

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Enroll Student in Student Services Workflow

The process for enrolling a student in Student Services has been simplified by the removal of the designation as well as some additional steps. This step needs to be done by the SPED teacher before an IEP is created, however, it is not required for the student to be designated, and vice versa you can enrol the student prior to them being designated.

1. Once the forms have all be filled out and sent to the District office to approval you can immediate start the process of writing an IEP by enrolling the student in Student Services. 

2. Go to View > Student Services > School View

3. Student TT > Options > Enrol

4. Select the Student from the magnifier list. (If the student is not on the list they are already enrolled in student services)

5. Select the Case Manager from the magnifier list

6. Set the Start Date (To create a Draft report add a date in the future)

7. If applicable add an End Date (District preference is to have an End Date this will help in determining Active IEPs)

8. Add the Plan name following the common standard: SD47-IEP-YYYY