Technology Help and Training
Learners Preparing for the Challenges of Tomorrow
Portfolio Resources

In this section you will find resources that can be used as templates, or ideas when implementing ePortfolios in your classroom. As this is a collaborative area please feel free to contribute any resources that you have created for yourself.

Scholantis is the company that owns and manages our portfolio system. Scholantis provides documentation for the use of ePortfoliosand ensures that the content is kept up todate and is verified to work for the general use of the product.
​​Kara Dawson with SD71 Comox has done an amazing job of creating resources and information for teachers in her District. This site is publicly accessibly and incredibly valuable for teachers and administrators. 
​Templates​These templates have been created by users within the District as well as those form other districts. If you have any templates that you would like to have added to this list of resources please send the file to Template authors will be attributed. 
​​I have been working on creating a number of short videos that will help teachers work through some of the common actions and issues that come up while using portfolios. If you would like to see a specific video please send a request to
​When working on using portfolios for learning and reporting one fo the best ways to communicate proficiency is through the use of a Rubric. There are many online rubric makers that you can use, this link is to one that has been used in the past. Please feel free to send me copies of Rubrics that you have used in the past and I will upload them to the Templates page.
​BC-Curriculum-Triangles-02 - Copy.png
​For documentation and resources for the self reporting of the core competencies please visit the Core Competency group site. There you will find templates and resources to help you and your students navigate this new portion of the curriculum. 
​To help teachers understand what types of resources can go into their portfolios we are gather samples of how portfolios can be used for both assessment of learning as well as records of learning. If you would like to share a sample please send me some images at