Technology Help and Training
Learners Preparing for the Challenges of Tomorrow
Email Setup

Setting up SD47 Mail on a mobile phone

iPhone Mail instructions

1. Go to Settings
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 
​2. Mail
​3. Accounts (if you are adjusting a current account skip to step 7)
​4. Add Account
5. ​Exchange
​6. Enter in your District email and give it a description like "SD47 Mail" - Click Next
​7. When prompted select, Sign In
8. This will bring you to a login page - etner your District Password
​9. Accept the notice which comes up
​*If you go back into your account advanced settings you can determine how long mail should be kept locally on your device.

Android Mail instructions

(Due to the wide variety of Android operating systems, the instructions below are a generic approach to setting up an Android Mail app. The might differ slighly depending on your version of the Android operating system)

1. Tap the system Settings Icon ​
2. Tap Accounts & Sync (sometimes just Accounts)​ ​
​3. Tap Add β€‹
4. ​Tap Exchange ActiveSync (Microsft Exchange on some devices) ​
​5. Enter your email address and password , then select Sign in
7. Select the services that you wish to include ​
​8. Add a descriptive account name (SD47 mail) - then click, Finish Setup. ​